Top 10 Best Air Purifier in India
Top 10 Best Air Purifier in India Owning an air purifier is making more sense now, owing to the alarming levels of increasing air pollution in major cities around the country. If ignored, polluted air poses a high risk of developing respiratory disorders and can be potentially harmful to people already suffering from respiratory problems.
Hence, it makes sense to have an air purifier at home, especially an air purifier that takes care of allergies that are brought on with the changing season.There are several air purifiers to choose from that range from different prices and features, but as we know, one wants the best air purifier.
Top 10 Best Air Purifier in India
One can either go for a basic air purifier that simply cleans the air with the touch of a few buttons or purchase an air purifier that is packed with features.There are room air purifiers that are IoT enabled and can be controlled from the comfort of a smartphone. To make your search easier, here’s a list of the best air purifiers at different prices offering numerous features that try to lower pollutants floating in the air at home or office.
List of 10 Air Purifiers:Rabbit Air MinusA2Levoit Core 300Coway AP-1512HHHoneywell HPA300Winix AM90GermGuardian AC9200WCAAIRMEGA 400Blueair Classic 680iAlen BreatheSmart 75iIQAir GC MultiGaswe appreciate anyone who want to donate to keep us going.
Top 10 Best Air Purifiers in India
Our eternal thanks and gratitude for helping us out! Your love and support are all we have.If you live in a big city in India, air pollution will threaten your health. According to the World Health Organization, more than half of the world’s 20 most polluted cities are in India. Now you need an air purifier.
These air filters come in various shapes and sizes. As the holiday season approaches, some of you may want to buy one. That’s why we chose the list of the best air purifiers in India that are worth buying. 2021. However, before narrowing down the options, you need to be familiar with the basics.

Top 10 Best Air Purifier in India
These are very simple devices that should play a role in three areas: detecting pollution, purifying the air by passing the air through a suitable filter, and then circulating the clean air in the room. Norman Edelman,
a professor of preventive medicine and internal medicine at Stony Brook University in New York, said: “The correct use of them will only reduce allergy symptoms to a certain extent. They are not recommended as a protective measure against second-hand smoke or general smoking.
Top 10 Best Air Purifier in India
A reliable antidote to smoking air pollution.All air purifiers work within a certain radius, and it is difficult to remove particulate matter from every room in the home. Many pollutants adhere to furniture and clothes, and air purifiers may not be able to filter substances that are not in the air.
The HEPA air filter (described below) can filter asbestos particles ranging in size from 0.7 to 90 microns. The EPA also warned that, contrary to requirements, air purifiers cannot purify all volatile organic compounds.
Top 10 Best Air Purifier in India
CADR and POLAR testing: Although CADR is an industry standard in India, it is not a true representation of actual conditions of use. Therefore, Dyson developed the POLAR test, which is now recognized as a benchmark in markets such as China. Although CADR uses a small room of 12 square meters with an air purifier and ceiling fan in the center of the room,
the air quality is monitored by a single sensor in the room.On the other hand, in the POLAR test, the air purifier was placed in the corner of a room with an area of more than 27 square meters, the external fan could not promote air flow, and 9 quality sensors were used to monitor different parts of the room.